Establish Logos
If ethos is the ground on which your argument stands, logos is what drives it forward: it is the stuff of your arguments, the way one point proceeds to another, as if to show that the conclusion to which you are aiming is not only the right one, but so necessary and reasonable as to be more or less the only one.
Think of this as the logic behind your argument.
You want your points to seem so straightforward and commanding that your audience can't conceive of an alternative.
Establish Logos
If ethos is the ground on which your argument stands, logos is what drives it forward: it is the stuff of your arguments, the way one point proceeds to another, as if to show that the conclusion to which you are aiming is not only the right one, but so necessary and reasonable as to be more or less the only one.
Think of this as the logic behind your argument.
You want your points to seem so straightforward and commanding that your audience can't conceive of an alternative.